Tuesday, 5 November 2024


A hand that guided your way, 

helped with problems of the day, 

for many years kept demons at bay. 

helped shape me,

gave your life a fresh view,

showed me where the world could be made anew. 

taught right from wrong, 

always carried in their heart a bright song, 

always admonished me when I did something wrong. 

kept the light on no matter how dark the night, 

always showed me how to fight the good fight, 

do in your heart what is right. 

the endless learnings, 

the corrections in life, 

somehow he knew how to do away with strife. 

the guided hand is there no more, 

the words of wisdom have gone too, 

left adrift I am on this cold floor. 

Silence all around me without you around, 

my father, my guide, my friend, 

without you, for me life has no sound.